Beach Wedding Trends and News
The Big Day: How to Prepare for the Gulf Coast Beach Wedding. News about Our Gulf Shores Wedding Packages, Orange Beach, Pensacola Beach, Perdido Key, Navarre Beach, Destin.
Blue Angel Wedding
During a recent wedding, although the weather was unpleasant and the bride unsure of the timing of the event, the rare occasion that occurred was one of fate.
Originating in Pensacola Beach, Florida, Your Dream Beach Wedding is dedicated to creating the most memorable wedding experiences at nationally recognized beaches known for being both beautiful and family-friendly. Another famous extension of the Gulf Coast community is the Navy’s Blue Angels Airshow. Locals are able to see them practicing weekly from Destin, Florida all the way to Mobile, Alabama.
One gamble with producing outdoor events and especially here on the Gulf Coast that Your Dream Beach Wedding has come to acknowledge is that of the weather. With no control over this detail on wedding days, Your Dream Beach Wedding accommodates to the best of their ability working around the unfavorable weather for a seamless occasion.
During a recent wedding, although the weather was unpleasant and the bride unsure of the timing of the event, the rare occasion that occurred was one of fate. Waiting through the rain and finally catching a clear moment for photographs, someone spotted in the distance the nationally recognized Blue Angels practicing for their airshow. What a lucky moment for the newlyweds!
Plan Your Wedding Getaway to Alabama
Our work starts at the very beginning of the ceremony. Ceremonies last for about 15 minutes. Others pictures that include family pictures, party pictures, bridal picture and more significantly couple pictures will be taken after the ceremony the time taken can vary accordingly but approximately can take up to 30 minutes to click a package of 100 pictures. If you chose the package with 150, it may take up to 45 minutes. If you chose the package with 200, it may take up to 45 minutes. If you wish to cover the whole wedding we can provide your assistance with your reception pictures in just $200 per hour as well as getting ready pictures prior to the wedding ceremony in just $300.
Gulf Shores and Orange Beach are not only great for an amazing vacation getaway but for the perfect dream destination wedding. Enjoy these phenomenal beaches the way they were made to be experienced with a wedding event you will never admit. Your Dream Beach Wedding is the only wedding venue located directly on the beach that lets you design your own customized wedding experience. Here is what you can expect with one of their incredible wedding packages:
Variety of Wedding Plans
With Your Dream Beach Wedding, you are not stuck with just one style to choose from. Alternatively, you can pick from four different wedding options to fit any style of wedding. The Boho Style Wedding is a romantic style that is relaxed yet elegant thanks to the addition of plenty of greenery and flowers. The Rustic Burlap Style Wedding has become a hit over the years for its charming element without a huge budget. The Teepee Beach Wedding and Colorful Beach Weddings bring the beach feel to you with gorgeous fabrics and colors to fit any floral design.
Wedding Packages
Just securing a wedding venue is not enough for you to truly remember your special day. Your Dream Beach Wedding has a wide variety of packages that allow you to receive what you want for your beachside wedding. Each package includes a wedding officiant, professional photography, an online gallery, keepsake items, and much more. Four different packages make it a breeze for you to customize your beachside wedding experience. The smallest packages start with enough chairs for 20 attendees with additional chairs that can be added. Don’t forget to invite all your closest family and friends to the very special occasion!
Start Planning Your Wedding Today
Now is the perfect time to see what all the hype of a beachside wedding is about. Your Dream Beach Wedding can even help you start planning for any additional services your wedding may need. Start preparing for your wedding today by dialing Your Dream Beach Wedding at 850-559-5560.
Your Wedding Getaway to Alabama
Orange Beach and Gulf Shores, Alabama are waiting for your next vacation. Enjoy the wedding of a lifetime with one of our beautiful vacation rentals around the area. You can expect high-end resort-like amenities in each of our rentals along with the privacy of your own rental home. Contact Harris Properties today to find the perfect wedding rental for your upcoming nuptials in Gulf Shores.
Wedding Rentals in Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, and Pensacola Beach
Wedding Rentals: Chairs, Tables, Arches and Much More.
Planning a beach wedding in Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, or Pensacola Beach? Well, you’ve just landed at the right place!
Romantic beach weddings are like a dream come true for any couple in love, and at Gulf Shores Wedding Planners we are committed to fulfill your dreams. At Gulf Shores Wedding Planners, we provide the finest quality beach wedding rentals at really amazing prices. From beautifully adorned arches, tables, chairs, to anything you need for your beach wedding reception; we cover it all! We not only offer great all-inclusive packages for your dream beach wedding rentals, but also let you singly choose any of our rentals for your weddings in Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, and Pensacola Beach.
Why Choose Us?
· Customized Packages – We offer customized and personalized wedding rental packages for Gulf Shores to make sure that you get exactly what you had planned for your big day.
· Affordable Prices – We offer our services at really competitive prices so that your wedding reception budget needs are not compromised.
· Innovative & Creative – Innovation is the key word that guides us to create spectacular and fairytale weddings for all our clients in Gulf Shores.
Call us today to know more about our services!
A Dream Gulf Beach Wedding
Lucretia and Adriel’s Gulf Shores Beach Wedding
Thеrе іѕ something trulу mаgісаl аbоut having a Gulf Shores Wedding іn Alаbаmа. Thе instant you start tо see іtѕ tranquil bеасhеѕ, уоu can't help but have an оvеrwhеlmіnglу реасеful feeling from head tо tое.
It іѕ оnе оf thе fеw рlасеѕ іn thе wоrld whеrе уоur ѕurrоundіngѕ рrоmоtе thіѕ kind оf unрrесеdеntеd nіrvаnа. A lоt of this has tо dо wіth hоw trulу untouched the environment is. Mоthеr nаturе is all аrоund уоu, аnd іt іѕ trulу аwе-іnѕріrіng.
Whеthеr уоu аrе сеlеbrаtіng аn anniversary and wаnt a vow rеnеwаl оr just plain mаdlу іn love аnd want a bеасh wеddіng, thеrе is no bеttеr place fоr rоmаnсе thаn thе bеасh. And thе mоѕt rоmаntіс ѕtrеtсh of bеасh іn thе соuntrу bу far is the ѕugаr-ѕаnd coastline of Gulf Shоrеѕ, Alаbаmа. The warm, whіtе ѕаnd іѕ ѕоft and inviting ' реrfесt fоr lоungіng ' аnd thе mуrіаd оf romantic асtіvіtіеѕ аnd boundless bеаutіful раnоrаmаѕ аrе ideal fоr romantic interludes аnd сrеаtіng treasured mеmоrіеѕ thаt wіll wаrm уоur hеаrtѕ fоr years tо come. Nо matter whаt уоur budget, thе durаtіоn оf уоur ѕtау оr your іntеntіоnѕ, dоn't mіѕѕ the орроrtunіtу to rеkіndlе the ѕраrk ' or a lіght a nеw оnе ' in Gulf Shоrеѕ, Alаbаmа.
If you really wаnt to "wоw" hеr, try tаkіng her on a ѕоаrіng аdvеnturе into thе skies. Nоthіng could be more bеаutіful оr awe-inspiring than watching thе Gulf Shores, Alabama coastline ѕtrеtсh оut bеnеаth уоu whіlе a роwеrful hеlісорtеr рullѕ thе twо оf уоu into thе аіr. Bооk a ѕресіаl ѕunrіѕе оr ѕunѕеt wеddіng оn thе bеаutіful bеасh fоr аddеd panoramic splendor of thе Gulf оf Mexico.
If уоur loved оnе likes dоlрhіnѕ аnd оthеr marine life, the twо оf уоu ѕhоuld bе sure tо check оut thе dolphin cruises аnd dolphin еxреrіеnсеѕ offered іn Gulf Shores, Alabama. Whеthеr уоu wоuld rather watch these delightful ѕеа creatures frоlіс frоm a dіѕtаnсе оr асtuаllу іntеrасt wіth thеm іn thеіr nаtіvе еnvіrоnmеnt, Gulf Shоrеѕ, Alаbаmа hаѕ the орроrtunіtу fоr уоu. Wаtсh her steal a kіѕѕ frоm Flірреr, аnd thеn steal оnе (frоm her, оf course!) for уоurѕеlf. If you еnjоу dеер ѕеа fіѕhіng, thеrе are аlѕо combination расkаgеѕ аvаіlаblе ѕо thаt one оf уоu саn ѕun аnd ѕіghtѕее whіlе thе оthеr reels in a tаѕtу dіnnеr.
Fіnаllу, top оff your dау wіth a hеаrtу mеаl аt one оf Gulf Shores, Alabama's hіghlу-rаtеd rеѕtаurаntѕ. Whеthеr іt'ѕ down-home сооkіng, fіnе сuіѕіnе оr аwаrd-wіnnіng seafood, Gulf Shores, Alabama dіnіng is ѕоmе оf thе bеѕt іn the соuntrу. A little-known muѕісаl соmmunіtу аlѕо flоurіѕhеѕ іn the аrеа, and lіvе muѕісаl ассоmраnіmеnt іѕ not unсоmmоn fоr dіnnеr. Reserve an осеаn-frоnt tаblе, thеn ѕеttlе in to watch thе sunset аnd lіѕtеn to the waves lap on thе shore. Nо matter what уоur рlаnѕ аrе fоr аftеr dinner, a ѕun-аnd-ѕtаrlіt еvеnіng іѕ dеfіnіtеlу the wау tо kісk your evening оff in the right mооd.
Gulf Shores and Orange Beach Wedding Planners
Beautiful Sunset Wedding in Orange Beach, Alabama
Best wedding planner in Alabama
Your event is an awesome opportunity for you to create something special that is a reflection for you. You write your story with your wedding. We are a group of experienced, caring and detail oriented consultants. We’ll help you to make the most of this dream.
We are with a track record of good taste, know how, people skills, hard work and care. We offer a variety of wedding packages. We have made the difficult job of searching the vendors easier than ever. Our staff members are kind, accepting and compassionate and will work tirelessly on your event.
We are proud to have the best team of photographers, officiants and florists in Orange Beach, Gulf shores and Pensacola Beach. We understand the level of detail and time a great wedding takes and because of this our clients have full faith on us. We will work from start to finish ensuring that your special day is cohesive, personal and unique.
Ashley and Derrick’s Orange Beach Wedding
Hire a Professional Wedding Photography Service
The wedding season is in full flow and if you are getting married this season it certainly wouldn’t be a bad time to start looking for a wedding photographer in Gulf Shores, Orange Beach and Pensacola Beach, who can capture the glamorous event.
The wedding season is in full flow and if you are getting married this season it certainly wouldn’t be a bad time to start looking for a wedding photographer in Gulf Shores, Orange Beach and Pensacola Beach, who can capture the glamorous event.
Wedding photography is essential because your wedding is one of the most important events in your life and there ought to be someone talented enough to capture it and make it an eternal memory. A wedding is often a fantasy for most people and what use would such grand arrangements be if they didn’t hire a professional photographer to capture the moments?
YDBW Wedding Photography Services: Light up your wedding and take home a bundle of unforgettable memories
A wedding is incomplete without beautiful décor and what good is beautiful décor if there is no good wedding photography hired for the wedding? Wedding photographers can play a huge role in giving the wedding a feel-good factor because people will smile for the camera and actually enjoy the event which will give a positive vibe to the environment.
At YDBW, that choice is already made for you. We aim to provide you both an exceptionally beautiful décor as well as stunning wedding photography at very affordable prices. We specialize in wedding photography and offer nothing short of the best services.
Order of Events in a Wedding
Each wedding ceremony is unique because every love story is unique too. However, weddings have certain uniformity because of the pattern that they follow. This pattern is the order of the various sub-ceremonies of the wedding ceremony. Outlined below is the order of events in an official wedding ceremony.
Each wedding ceremony is unique because every love story is unique too. However, weddings have certain uniformity because of the pattern that they follow. This pattern is the order of the various sub-ceremonies of the wedding ceremony. Outlined below is the order of events in an official wedding ceremony.
· The Procession. Always the first part of the ceremony, this is when the parties to the wedding walk down the aisle in front of the gathering. This signals the beginning of the ceremony and the crowd quiets down and watches the graceful walk of the bride with her father, followed by the flower girl.
· The Officiant's Opening Remarks. The officiant welcomes the gathering and pronounces the purpose of the assembly as the wedding.The officiant takes a moment to tell the couple the significance of the vows that they are about to exchange. The officiant may also talk about their duties to each other.
· The Exchange of Vows and Rings. The wedding vows are exchanged with dignity and also joy. The couple may write their own vows. They also exchange the rings that they will wear for the rest of their lives.
. The Sand Ceremony . At its simplest, a sand ceremony involves a symbolic blending of two different-colored sands into a single vessel. The meaning is clear: The blending of two different beings, the bride and the groom, into a single, inseparable unit that is their marriage - the joining of their lives. As hard as it would be to separate out those grains of sand, that's how difficult it is to separate these two people. The vase is yours to keep forever.
· The Pronouncement of Marriage. The marriage is made official. They are now pronounced husband and wife. They then kiss as married couples.
· The Closing Remarks. The officiant closes the wedding ceremony with a few remarks and/or a blessing.
· The Recessional.The opposite of the first sub-ceremony, the crowd watches as the couple departs in all grandeur.
· The Wedding Party. The wedding is all done and now it's time to party with the couple and the other guests.
Brandy and Eric’s Gulf Shores Beach Wedding
How To Find The Perfect Wedding Venue in Gulf Shores, AL
Make Your Wedding Dream Come True!
First off, congratulations on deciding to get married! Gulf Shores is just the perfect place for a destination wedding. Deep blue seas, sandy white beaches, sprawling gowns, impeccably dressed guests and a cake to top it all off. Your big day is going to be memorably perfect.
Make Your Wedding Dream Come True!
First off, congratulations on deciding to get married! Gulf Shores is just the perfect place for a destination wedding. Deep blue seas, sandy white beaches, sprawling gowns, impeccably dressed guests and a cake to top it all off. Your big day is going to be memorably perfect.
However, before you proceed, there are some things you need to know. There are the public beaches that are located inside the State Park and then, there are the private beaches located in front of the private beach houses, condos and hotels. If you want to rent a beach house for your wedding you have to make sure that having a wedding there is allowed. That's right. You need to have prior permission from the property owner.
How do you proceed now? Go to the professionals! An insured and certified wedding planner can provide you with an excellent spot which has already been assigned to him/her. The spot that Your Dream Beach Wedding has managed to acquire from the State Park is the Beach Pavilion. This is the most stunning spot that you could hope for. If you do manage to get a beach house, we will do what is convenient for you.
Once again, congratulations!
Savana and Jason’s Beach Wedding
Rustic Birch Wedding In Pensacola Beach
Is there anything more beautiful and organic then birch trees? Your Dream Beach Wedding has you covered with beautiful and modern designs for every taste.
Is there anything more beautiful and organic then birch trees? Your Dream Beach Wedding has you covered with beautiful and modern designs for every taste. Check out Brittney and Jody’s Birch Wedding Set Up and tell us your opinion. We would love to hear from you. Our Gulf Shores Wedding Planner or Pensacola Wedding Planer will make planning a breeze. All you have to do is to say "I Do” and we’ll take care of the rest.
Affordable Weddings In Florida and Alabama
Tiffany and Jake’s Beach Wedding in Pensacola Beach, FL
There is something truly magical about having a wedding in Gulf Shores, Alabama, and Pensacola, Florida. These locations offer breathtaking beaches, stunning sunsets, and a serene atmosphere that makes for a perfect wedding backdrop. However, while your wedding day is one of the most beautiful and important days of your life, it can also quickly become one of the most expensive if not planned carefully.
It's natural for newlyweds to want a fantastic celebration where all their loved ones can eat, drink, dance, and have a great time. Additionally, couples often desire professional photography, beautiful wedding attire, and other special touches to make their day truly memorable. However, all these elements can add up, making it essential to find ways to save money without compromising on quality.
At Your Dream Beach Wedding, we understand the importance of balancing quality and budget. That’s why we offer all-inclusive wedding packages designed to provide exceptional services without sacrificing affordability. Our packages include everything you need for a beautiful beach wedding, from the ceremony setup to professional photography.
Ultimately, it’s your wedding day, and you should be the number one priority. Make choices that make you happy and feel good about your special day. By planning wisely and taking advantage of our affordable packages, you can have the wedding of your dreams without the financial stress.
Having an affordable wedding in Gulf Shores, Alabama, or Pensacola, Florida, is not only possible but can also be a magical and memorable experience. With careful planning and the right support, you can enjoy a beautiful celebration that fits your budget.
Contact us today to learn more about our all-inclusive packages and start planning your dream beach wedding.
Why Opt For a Beach Wedding at The Gulf Shores?
Having a wedding on the beach, like the Gulf Shores Beach Weddings, can prove to be very convenient and romantic, after you consider all the advantages on paper. If you’re unsure if your wedding plans will fit a beach setting, look at some of these benefits:
More Committed Guests
There is a small possibility that you won’t receive as many guests and/or family if you hold your wedding on a beach, especially if it is an out of town destination. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as you’ll be left with those who truly want to experience you big milestone of your life together.
Incentive for Vacationers
You can plan your wedding into an intimate getaway for everyone who is invited. This includes bulk discount rates on airfare, hotels, rentals, tours, and restaurants. If you have family members who have been holding out on a family vacation, there’s no better way to spend it together than on your wedding and subsequent honeymoon!
Saving Big while having Fun
Speaking of your honeymoon, having your wedding at the beach presents the best opportunity celebrate your marriage, while saving lots of money. Not only do you save money on not having to plan a separate trip, but many hotels and travel agencies offer specials for newlyweds who are wanting to extend their stays on the beach.
Beach weddings are affordable all-around, from needing less investments and planning for décor, potential for cheaper food (if sourced locally), and more casual planning for bridesmaid dresses and suits. If everybody attends in polo shirts and khakis, they’ll save a ton of money forgoing the suit/dress.
Start planning for your beach wedding destination now, so that you can catch the best deals on all-inclusive packages for you and your family. This means less actual planning for you on your wedding day and more time spent enjoying the moment with your spouse and loved ones. Contact us today to make your dream beach wedding a reality.